My Farmer and Me — Evening Entertainment

From the time Ed found Shivers literally freezing to death ( as his sibling did) in Dec 2014 out side a barn that we own up the road from here, Putz has been his guardian. He was maybe 2 months old when Ed surprised me by tucking him inside his coat and bringing him in the house to warm up. Poor thing was just basically stashed by someone (along with another one the same size that froze to death before Ed found them) outside the barn. Fortunately we had to go their every day because we had some of our feed stored there.

To make it brief, he was used to dogs, humans and knew enough to use a litter box. So he fit right in here with the dogs and us. Another thing to attach ourselves to. He is a sweetheart and although Ed has never had a fondness for cats, he loves him, too.

Anyway, yesterday was a long day for us  and our evening entertainment when we sat down after milking and might chores, was these two wrestling in the kitchen. I didn’t narrate because it would detract from the action; never mind probably just stopping it!


  1. That’s so funny. Better than TV. I haven’t watched TV since 2004, but just about every evening we watch “cat TV” in our own living room. Wrestling matches and chase games. Stalk & pounce. It warms the heart to see them playing.



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