My Farmer and Me — New Baby and Hay!!!

20525214_Simba and baby486736125012981_5296789302467756471_nOne of the Swiss we are hoping to show at the fair had a heifer this morning…on her own and all went well…about time we had a heifer and so glad  it is from this one…big, nice looking cow. Simba!!! Baby name ideas welcome…

After breakfast we unloaded hay to make sure we had enough empty wagons for baling into today. We did, just barely! I brought the full wagons back to the farm while Ed finished baling.

Kind of got a wake up call when I came down with the second wagon and tried to pull the pin in the draw bar…The wagon moved ever so slightly, and the draw bar fell onto the top of my foot!! Ouch, I must say! Could have been worse as this was the foot I broke 3 toes on a few years ago..didn’t need that again. A bit sore, but ok…

So, will have to unload the remaining hay tomorrow…I hope it is cooler…and my Farmer will mow some more…nice hay making weather for a change…(hope I didn’t speak too soon!!)


  1. My name suggestion : latte. She’s the right color for a nice cup of latte.
    Shame I don’t live closer or I’d come help your guys with the hay. Been there, done that, and itched for hours afterward. It’s hard work, but I always willing to help. It’s just that I’d have to make a mighty long plane ride to get there.
    Hay here all has to be shipped in, thus it’s real expensive, like $35 a 90 lb bale. Ouch! So I use alfalfa cubes whenever we have a drought. At $17 per 50 lbs, it’s a tad more affordable. Of course the trick is to avoid having to buy hay.
    By the way, that fresh second cut has such a pretty color!



  2. Simba is a beautiful girl. Her baby has the sweetest head. I love Lion King so my suggestion for a name is Nala. I will be anxious to hear your decision because you two pick the coolest names. You seem to what what fits each calf. Ouch – that stings. Hope your foot isn’t too bruised.



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